Summary Sunday Week Beginning 5/2/18

Hey there guys! It’s been quite a while since I posted on the blog, feels so long ago. Hope term 2 is going as well for you as it is me.
This edition of Summary Sunday will be a shorter post as I haven’t fully caught up on the shows this week, so I’ll be posting reviews of Star Trek: Discovery and Black Lightning.

Star Trek: Discovery - The War Without, the War Within (S1E14)

Admiral Cornwell, Saru, Burnham, Stamets and Sarek debating their next course of action [1]

Overall, this episode continues to build on the universe and arcs the previous have done well to do. It still keeps you guessing what is going to happen in the next episode and begging for it to be released already. We get some much needed answers to questions that have built up over the last couple episodes and it is a satisfying watch indeed.
There was a lot riding on this episode to live up to the twists and turns in previous episodes and it pays off well. The show honestly doesn’t deserve a lot of the hate it is still getting and can certainly hold its own.

I’m going to go in depth now which means, yep you guessed it, spoilers ahead.


Why are you still reading this? Move along!

Last chance.

Okay, the revelation that the main universe Lorca is dead all but confirms that we will definitely be seeing Jason Isaacs reprise his role later on in the season, something I very much look forward to.
The dynamic between Michael and Mirror-Georgiou has been enjoyable to watch. Is there really an inkling of a good person left or is Georgiou really just an evil villain? She feels like a Bond villain dropped into the Star Trek universe and I love it. Her “joining” the crew as their new captain to lead them to the Klingon planet of Qo’nos? Pfft, she’ll try and escape next episode. Planning to cause mass damage to the Klingons pretty much means that in episode 15 we’ll be a seeing a good chunk of the special effects budget - bring it on!

Rating: 8/10

Black Lightning - Lawanda: Book of Brutal (S1E3)

Anissa exploring herself [2]

After a very strong couple of opening episodes, DC’s new show builds upon this momentum. Seeing characters go through issues viewers can face throughout their life gives the show a sense of realism, something that is a little lacking in some of the other superhero shows. Saving the day rarely comes cost free, which, again, other superhero shows seem to ignore, but not Black Lightning. It’s a refreshing take on the genre and is seriously an enjoyable watch. Can’t wait for next week’s.

You get the drill by now, spoilers ahead.


Technically, Jefferson does save the day by stopping Tobias’s gunman from committing mass murder, but he cannot prevent all violence. No hero truly has that kind of all-consuming power, something that Anissa will surely have to learn as she continues to strengthen her own powers - the extent of which, at this point, are unknown. An arc which I look forward to see progressing. Will she tell her family? Will she end up fighting crime alongside her father? There’s a lot of potential there, I’m just hoping they don’t mess up the character development.
The new exploration of a community that Jefferson Pierce considers himself part of is very much welcome. It gives off the sense that the show is an ensemble show and highlights just how much setting matters. In over 5 seasons of Arrow, we only care about saving Star City because we care about Oliver Queen, not the city itself. We never see the actual city that is under jeopardy each season, so we never truly come to care about the city, which wastes so much narrative potential. Black Lightning, however, does not waste to seize the opportunity to do so. In just 3 episodes I’ve genuinely come to care about the city of Freeland, its inhabitants and what happens to them.
The potential paralysis of Jennifer’s boyfriend has some serious emotional impact. What does this mean for their relationship? Will he ever comeback from this? What further role does Khalil have to play? All questions i look forward to being answered.

Rating: 9/10

The above pictures do not belong to me, they can be found at: