Summary Sunday Week Beginning 12/02/18

Somehow I’ve managed to write to the blog 2 weeks consecutively! I joke, I joke. This week was somewhat a slow one, with only 3 of the shows I’m caught up on releasing new episodes.

This week we see the return from the mid season break of Legends of Tomorrow, the season finale of Star Trek: Discover - which I didn’t even realise last week - and another episode of Black Lightning. As of writing this, I hadn’t got round to watching Black Lightning, but probably will as soon as I upload. Anyway, let’s get down to business.

Star Trek: Discovery - Will You Take My Hand (S1 E15)

Michael and Sarek reflecting on recent events [1]

The journey through season 1 of Discovery has been quite the rollercoaster. A very shaky start slowly paved way to some absolutely brilliant moments and twists, but of course no show is without its flaws. Besides this, I’m still not seeing why so many people hate on it. Is it because it’s different? Is it because there are a fair few differences from the original series? Please, someone explain to me. I totally understand where people are coming from on some parts, but I just don’t get the whole bashing of it.

Anyway, onto the episode. It was quite an eventful one. I absolutely loved the visuals and the sets they had used for the Klingon homeworld of Q’onos. Most of the storyline was deent in this episode and has left the door open for many possibilities in season 2, especially that ending! However, there were a few flaws. Some elements of the story seemed out of character, other parts felt forced and overall, it felt rather rushed. Maybe a two part finale like the way the season began could’ve worked better.

Regardless, I very much look forward to what the next season holds. The season, as a whole, was a fantastic one to watch and worth sticking with in my honest opinion. The visuals are stunning, there is plenty of drama and suspense to go around completed with a good set of characters.


Right, let’s first talk about the very last scene! The Enterprise?! Captain Pike?! The potential of a young Spock next season?! Oh man that was pretty damn thrilling to watch and sets up next season quite nicely.
The freedom of Mirror-Georgiou certainly means she will have a role to play in season 2, most likely on a hunt for power I reckon. Michael’s “warning” to her pretty much guarantees they will collide again. However, the whole arc leading to this plot point was a bit, well, meh.
The episode starts with us seeing a massive fleet of Klingon ships bearing down on Earth. But, that’s about all we see. The characters throughout the episode don’t seem to show any signs of just how high the stakes are, no signs of panic, no epic battle to be seen. It all just made it not seem real. All we got was the main crew minus a couple members seemingly fooling around on the Q’onos’ surface, supposedly unaware of the impending doom that Earth and the Federation are facing. Also, how could a ship that is the leading edge of the Federation not be able to tell the volcanoes on the surface are still active?!
I get what they were trying to do with Burnham’s whole arc of being a traitor and mutineer to the saviour of the Federation, but the execution was a little clumsy. The closing moments of it felt a little anticlimactic. I didn’t really understand the whole scene of the medal presenting and it’s a shame to see the a show I’ve truly enjoyed end on a bit of a bum note.
There is a lot more I could say about the finale but that would make this post bigger than it already is.

Overall though, it was still a wonderful journey to embark as my first real exposure to the Trek universe. I will certainly be going back to watch the original shows (eventually!).

Rating: 6/10

Legends of Tomorrow - Daddy Darhkest (S3 E10)

John Constantine catches up with Sara and the team [2]

The episode wastes absolutely no time jumping right back into the thick of things in its returning episode. That’s one thing I always liked about Legends - its shorter seasons than the other Arrowverse shows makes for better storytelling and fewer filler episodes. This means that in the latest episode the audience isn’t wasting their time wondering what is going to be happening in the remainder half of the season because the show jumps right into it.
The episode as a whole was a decent watch with interesting story points leaving a few questions in the balance, just enough to keep you wanting to watch more. I found myself not being able to fully focus on the episode like I usually do but that could just have been the mood I was in when watching it - it does not take away from the actual quality of the episode.
The special appearance of john Constantine is a very welcome sight as he provides a bit of a fresh air from the regularity we are used to from the Legends. It’s a shame his original show got cancelled after only one season because a magical/supernatural element to the Arrowverse would be very exciting.


Sara Lance is paid a visit from the lovable character that John Constantine when a girl, by the name of “Nora frigging Darhk”, is possessed by the season’s overarching villain Mallus and during an exorcism, calls out the Waverider’s captain’s name. Constantine, of course, wants to get the bottom how the two are linked - and, as is the case with the team, chaos ensues. We see Sara, alternate dimension Snart and John transported back in time to the sixties to face horrors separated form the rest of the team - who are all left with the task of helping Nora however they can while Mick watches live football for the first time in three years.
This episode served well to progress Sara’s storyline as she seems to be the main target of Mallus. It’ll be interesting to see where this leads her and how she ends up in the underworld we’ve briefly seen her in, and just what kinds of horrors she will face there.
Kuasa shows up again - though i seem to have forgotten why so in this episode - but it helps progress the underlying arc between her, Amaya and Zari.The biggest reveal in this arc occurs when Zari and Ray take Nora out to town for the day and whilst having some coffee in CC Jitters, Damien Darhk’s daughter is possessed by Mallus again and it is revealed Zari’s own totem is “one of the six”. Herein lies the problem for Amaya. It is revealed later that her - and Kuasa’s - totems are also one of the six, but it was revealed in a scene in which she had no involvement in. I think this is just a testament to how bland the interactions between Amaya and her granddaughter are. I’m just hoping this arc progresses in a more interesting way and doesn’t make watching the show become a chore.

Rating: 7/10

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