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Hard Sun is a pre-apocalyptic science fiction crime drama written and created by Neil Cross (Luther, Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten, Hide) about a pair of police detectives who are paired together to keep a big secret while being threatened by the CIA about the release of said secret, Hard Sun.

Staring Agyness Deyn (Clash of the Titans, Patient Zero) and Jim Sturgess (Cloud Atlas, Geostorm) in the role of police detectives, they stumble across a flash drive, one that could have serious consequences for themselves and the wider world, they both have differing ideas and motivations about how they should proceed with “Hard Sun”, who should know about this classified information and the wider effect on themselves and the world if the information is released to the public.

Each episode deals with the content very well and hooks the viewer into what would happen if one police detective did one thing with the “Hard Sun” or if the other would do something completely different with the information.

Even though it is a very limited series of 6 episodes, i personally enjoyed it and it was interesting to see the other side to the dystopian world(s). Like how a dystopian world becomes and how certain people deal with it and what they do to either stop it or to get it known to other people that the world is about to end. Probably one of the strongest crime drama series' by the BBC in my opinion, the BBC needs more strong series' like this and why not make them a prolonged series and not just 6 episodes. But i imagine that's not far off what it would be like if the world did come to an end through one way or another, even though it would be more panicky etc. But the premise of this drama is that the public doesn't know yet and what would happen if they did find out. I'm all for more TV series like this, the more storyline and decent plot lines that go into something definitely should be shown and more series' like this produced.

As a short series, it’s really easy to get into and binge-worthy if you like intense television, constantly wanting more as the episodes progress. The end of each episode helps as well with big cliff hangers wanting you to go on and watch the next episode.

I’ve been trying to watch the episodes weekly but as soon as I found out that all of the episodes were streaming on BBC iPlayer, I was straight there, no need to keep waiting weeks after weeks for new episodes

The rating on IMdB is fair at 6.7/10, it is a good television series, but it is very gory, there are constant showings of blood, ‘dead’ bodies, face-to-face combat and the like but arguably without these scenes the programme would not be what it is and would not have reached its potential without but just a warning so you’re prepared. 

As said earlier, you can catch the series in it's entirety on BBC iPlayer, streaming now!