Hello readers! Here is the final part of the book club discussion of the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick. This poem reflects several topics we covered when discussing the characters and the world they're set in so SPOILER ALERT! 



Who’s an android, who isn’t?
A piece of metal or conscious beings?
A button to handle my emotions,
Am I a biological robot or a human?
We own a frog, a sheep or two,
Only to be called the better family,
In this building of few.
A world of death and despair
 Where I am told to be
Nothing but calm and unaware.


Departed, dead, gone, disappeared.
An android here, a human there.
My orders are simple: test, clear and conceal
But what happens when a Nexus-6 begins to feel?
My world is a remnant of total destruction,
Nuclear dust poisoning our lungs,
I am sure one day, I too shall stop to function.
So what do I do with life before I die?
Get a beautiful stallion? An ostrich?
An animal that many would like?
Or perhaps I should aim to clear,
The earth of the fake
Those who don’t breathe but end the breathing,
Like Rachel, the woman I found intriguing.
Manipulative, clever and conniving.
An android who seeks killing,
Of my kind.
Or does she truly only seek,
To live life free?
Does she dream of electric sheep?
I wonder often,
If I am doing the right thing
If I am the terminating robot
Disabling someone more human.


Another morning of deafening silence,
The life I missed in space, thriving.
For I am a chickenhead,
I only deserved dying.
TV static. I heard TV static,
That’s when I met Pris Stratton
Margarine shared, yet another friend made.
What’s that? An android you say?
She is the first voice in many years that I heard.
I feel. I truly feel,
So when Pris and her friends disembowel,
The spider I show them, my mind howls,
And as Mercer returned my spider,
And disabled the “friends” I sheltered
All I can think of is moving closer,
To the last of those left behind
By the richest, healthiest of humankind.

That World and Mine.

A live animal in theirs,
A leather bag in mine
Mercer, the savior in theirs,
Several prophets in mine.
Mood organs in theirs,
Drugs, molding and militarization in mine.
A world war terminus in theirs,
A Trump and Kim Jon Un in mine.
An empty spread out world in theirs,
Un-empathic, distant humans in mine.
And perhaps theirs and mine isn’t so far off,
Whilst being set in a different time,
What do you think would happen?
If the end-of-the-world is closer
In  mine.

Image does not belong to me and can be sourced from: https://casualoptimist.wordpress.com/2013/05/12/do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep/